Find a Architecture from you known circle first or nearby construction which you are inspired of, you can seek help from them over designing your dream home. Browse for designs over internet(it’s an ocean) consider apply with your plot area or identify the area of adjustment in it, Most of the builders do this home work along with their family members. Completely relying on the idea of the consultant or architect would make your cost to grow on the Implementation side, although the effective usage of the space would be advice of the consultants or engineers or architects do cross this gateway that how much maintenance it takes and does it falls under your usage. Nothing wrong in Planning duration but implementation should be exact reflection of our expectation. Take the case of Movie Makers, until they find an effective script and screenplay they take the time.
Building material

Check for alternative in Basic construction materials like “New to market but Quality wise similar to pioneers in market, do a Market research and a Home work over internet about the different type of bricks, sand type. Innovative products like fly ash bricks; M-sand, etc. are something that comes under this section. Check with quality standards and government approved building materials(check – http://www.bmtpc.org/). Pre fabricated building blocks are getting bigger attention, IIT Chennai has tried affordable home as a pilot project (https://www.ecoideaz.com/innovative-green-ideas/iit-madras-innovates-eco-friendly-low-cost-houses)

Flooring has seen great evolution in period over period, which has also given various options under different budget. Those are Vinyl flooring, Tiles, Stone flooring, laminate, brick flooring, concrete flooring, Vinyl flooring would be a favorable option for Budget home aspirants from Rs.22/Sq.ft (Includes material + labor) to 34/Sq.ft, the higher price cover great designs.
Not to wonder, every Indian Citizen in different states would have witnessed the Labor’s from Northern states spread over in Construction sites. India always stand’s top in the List of Cheap Labor, from IT to Civil workers. Labor Contract is something the best option which would Save more Time and faster Completion with perfect checklist approach.
Take a note of Areas of higher usage, like Kitchen, Rooms, Living rooms, Bathroom Importantly needs a higher attention in painting works, exterior painting does has various options under budget. Berger, Nippon are something emerging new brand which has many problems addressed. Asian is again the favorable option and has strong market share in India. Durability and water condensation problems are playing important role in Brand choosing. Better White appearance with Wall stickers would give some good appeal.
Finishing Material

For your Information, Average 30% of the housing budget gets consumed at the time nearing Completion. Doors, Windows, cupboard wood works, fall ceiling, Lighting, Sanitizer & other bathroom fittings are few among the Finishing materials. There are Indian brands as well as foreign brands which are obviously differing based on pricing. Indian brands are in-effective in marketing their brands, by word of mouth few brands enjoys favorability.
Steel door for home

Doors segment wise Steel door, Fiberglass door would be suitable option for budget home builders. As your expectations are economical, steel doors which are cost wise up to 40% cheaper than wood and fiberglass doors. Best-in Class security and aesthetic wooden look of these doors are affordable and energy efficient. The problem which are escalated towards usage of steel doors are scratch’s or dent’s made accidentally or playfully, Standard and Quality Inspector’s team from Shell Doors briefs that “It takes lot of effort to create damage to this door”. These types of doors are installed as Main door, Exterior Doors & terrace door.